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Independent Study Beginnings

Independent Study beginnings

Intentions are clarifying around my theme for the paper now, as I consider my motivations for my performative/visual art.
For the last year, I’ve been driven to bridge mediums in my art practice as I explore a way to shape expression into its’ most distilled and direct form. My interpretation of distilled and direct is when the expression is felt in my body as it emerges.
Expression that is tangible and marking both to myself and to the others around me. Expression that calls itself into form in the sense of relevance and memorability. It is called out from the surface of my skin, my brain, my tongue, my hands. It is as if natural and social forces guide and propel my work forward. When combined, textile art, sculpture, installation, performance and painting create something more true to me than any one discipline can offer. When brought together guided by specific intention, I allow for social context to take root in my art.

‘Sanctuary, sustenance and sprouts’
Installation of body prints in ash, herbs and live grass. Belgo Building, Montreal.
Emily Rose Michaud

This Post Has One Comment
  1. Cool, Em: being as art. The art’s power intensifying in your body, concentrating in your skin then radiating outward in the moment of delivery.

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