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‘Sprout Out Loud!’ Continues Anew….

‘Sprout Out Loud!’ continues anew….

photo Melissa Campbell

Fall has come!

The Roerich Garden is gloriously covered in weeds. Yes, they’ve taken over, as weeds like to do and we unfortunately have not enough physical resources to continue this work in the physical realm. So….read on for how Sprout Out Loud! is continuing its expression in a few new ways:

i- Urban Connect: Art & Community Activism, MTL/NYC:
Artist panel & performances.
Wednesday, October 8th 2008. 7:30 pm
Casa Del Popolo, 4873 St-Laurent.

* Emily’s in the artist panel at 8pm, present on behalf of Sprout Out Loud! Le Pouvoir Aux Pousses! and sharing about the beauty of bringing art to our causes, and politics (power, in matters of consequence) to art.

photo Melissa Campbell

ii- A Catalogue honouring the Maguire district meadow
Memorial of Weeds: Wildest Dreams for Our Urban Cores: (working title)
The catalogue aspires to be out by next May and submissions will be received until November

Within the pages of this publication, we will be paying homage to this urban meadow by recording our stories, photos, art, ideas and dreams for what this place may be. This publication aims to be:

i- a record of the history of this place
ii- a document to honour this life and history through photo, writing & news archives
iii- an articulated vision of what our community desires this place to be(come).

This catalogue asks the basic question: What does it mean to be a citizen that isn’t controlled by what they are trying to resist?

Its true. Many will agree that this place is capable of being much more than just an extension of St-Viateur street and a place to store city vehicles. It is undergoing a moment of unknown transformation. Within this proposed documentary catalogue, our collective records can only help to re-enchant us in our roles as citizens of power and consequence.

The catalogue aspires to be out by next May and submissions will be received until November. We invite submissions in the form of photos, newspaper clippings or art work made in response to this enchanting place: one of Montréal’s precious few remaining wild spaces.

Send ALL ideas and propositions to:

or to reach a person, ask for Emily: 514.798.9684

photo Melissa Campbell

iii- Meet in the field next weekend:
Saturday, October 11th: 2-5pm

* We will be wandering through parts of the field and nearby with Melissa Campbell, photographer. Viewing it from the 12th floor of an overlooking building, visiting the Carmelite nuns, the train tracks, the resident weeds, the recent and dying out industries and businesses, we will be reserving some photos from this walk for the catalogue. Bring your sketch books, cameras, whatever you wish. Our intention here, is to create a moment of exchange for those interested in submitting to the catalogue.

iv- Next City Council Meeting: Arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal
(1st Monday of every month)
Monday, October 6th 2008. 7:00 pm
480 Gilford. Fraternité des policiers et des policières de Montréal (rez de chausée)

* Come early, between 6:30 and 7:00 to sign up if you want to ask a question to Helen Fotopoulos and the rest of council. They will most likely be addressing the updates of the meadow here. I’m going, does anyone want to join me? (please!)

Hope to see you in grand and glorious numbers, and to receive your stories, photos and ideas about this beautiful space. It will be a pretty special publication.

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