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Finishing The Book

Finishing the book

Shouting out to you all for support to finish the BOOK~ It will be impossible for me to finish alone~ If you would like to get on board as a part of our creative team, show me a sign of life ! I am looking for two editors (english and french). For those curious, you can view the Artefatica Flickr account, where all visual content of the book resides : I have many pots on the stove with lots of content to organize, lots to scan, lots to upload, lots of licenses to confirm, waivers to send out, permissions to get. I need support to finalize this living memoir. Please contact me if you feel committed and inspired to move this forward. Thanks for any and all offerings, suggestions or friendly kicks in the butt ~ The online draft of the book is here:

Purslane by Lauqa McAulay

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