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Graphic Designer Wanted For Artists’ Book On Urban Ecology, Activism, And Local History

Graphic designer wanted for artists’ book on urban ecology, activism, and local history

Photo Christine Préfontaine.

We are looking for a print designer to create a 40- to 70-page book to be published in April 2009. The book, Memorial of Weeds: Wildest Dreams for Our Urban Cores, will document « Sprout Out Loud! » (an environmental art project) alongside community reflections about a controversial piece of land soon to be developed by the city of Montreal (Saint Viateur East, in the Mile End). The book will contain original text, photos, stories, news clippings, and materials from historical archives. The designer will work in close collaboration with Emily Rose Michaud, the artist behind the project, and a local publisher. Web and motion design experience is a plus as there will likely be an accompanying website and exhibit. There will also be an opportunity to develop t-shirts, stickers, silkscreens, etc., to accompany and promote the project. This is a great opportunity for a designer who wants to build their portfolio and work with a creative team, as well as support urban ecology, the reclamation of the commons, and local history. Main contributors to the project (designer, artist, publisher) will invest time in developing the book and then split the profits from the book and related merchandise. The project will contribute to the commons — all outputs will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, allowing subsequent creators to remix and build on it. Interested? Visit Emily’s site for more details.
Contribute to the Memorial of Weeds Memories, art, stories, dreams, visions, photos, newspaper clipping, city plans, archives — you name it, we want it to publish in an upcoming book: Memorial of Weeds: Wildest Dreams for Our Urban Cores. We will produce a book that will document community happenings and uses of the lovely and (for the time being) wild field that lies between the east end of St-Viateur street and the Carmelite nun’s residence. The book will be published in the spring of 2009. To contribute content, contact Emily before the middle of December. If you’d like to help produce the book we’re also looking for a designer.Photo Christine Préfontaine. Vermont 2008.

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