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Hi again everyone~

The weather last weekend was delectable and made working outside all day worth it.

(1) Big THANKS to those who came out on Sunday May 3rd. WOW. The field is on its way to being a sanctuary. An inspiring success. More pictures will soon be posted at

(2) Mark your calendars for next Sunday, May 10th from 1pm-6pm. We will be: i- Cleaning up MORE garbage and constructing benches (we have WOOD now) ii- Planting willow in the outer ring of the Roerich circle iii- Making living grass benches with a group of horticulturalists iv- A compost bin will be installed for the community to use. Come on out, bring your tools (hammers, nails, saws) and enjoy the day with us!

(3) From now on: every Sunday from 1-5pm (ish) events will be hosted in the field. YES. Every Sunday someone and something exceptional is bound to be happening in the field. ALL details posted here:

(4) Save-the-date: Sunday May 31st from 1pm-6pm. i- Planting party. Bring tall climbing flowers to put against the fences (morning glories, sweet peas, hollyhocks, sunflowers) ii- The Montreal Permaculture Guild will be on a ‘field trip’ to look at the possibility of starting a bioremediation project iii- An events calendar of Sprout Out Loud events (June-November 2009) should be finalized and available for all

Thanks for your continued support~

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