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Saturday In The Roerich Garden : May 22

Saturday in The Roerich Garden : May 22

Invitation to all
Spring has sprung and the field has become green and juicy again. In the fall I announced my intention to step away from my involvement with the Roerich Garden’s coordination…And so to rekindle the fire(s) and to encourage the continuation of physical involvement there, I invite you to come out on Saturday May 22nd to give life to the Roerich symbol once again: to have fun, meet up, clean it up, give it another chance to shine, get some media attention. Essentially, the goal is to kick start more community activity in the field in order to make a case for it to be conserved as it is. 2010 is now in everyone’s hands; the tradition of weekend gardening will continue informally throughout the summer season as the community will be encouraged to make their collective mark. Actions that speak of the cultural and (re)creative value this space has is encouraged…(as well as keeping the Roerich symbol alive).

You may have heard that the project to turn the northern part of the field into a parking lot to hold city vehicles is still being discussed by the Plateau Mont-Royal’s administration. Come celebrate and hang out with friends and re-dedicate this space as a community landmark that deserves to be kept wild. Bring your joy, enthusiasm, ideas, and energy. As long as the garden is kept alive, the call to cultural preservation is also kept alive. Please bring your work gloves.

Film shoot
To archive some of the traces of this day, and to valorize all of the community work that has been invested into this space up until now (in Le Champ des Possibles), May 22nd will be filmed as a part of documentary film project realized by Mélanie Pitteloud. You will certainly be free to choose whether or not to participate.

At the end of this day, there will be a 5 à 7 musical act with the following musicians ~
Robin Gorn
Christine Ghawi (of Pan)
Marie Desneiges-Stockland (of Little Brown Jug)

There will also be a photo session by Roger Latour, who will be taking the portraits of the contributors for the book project that have not yet been immortalized.

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