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  • avril 23, 2020

SAVE THE DATE: 19 JUIN, 2014. Atelier de création de tapisserie vivante | Living Tapestry workshop, Montréal @ La Maison du développement durable.Le 19 juin à 12h15, la Maison du développement durable présente, en collaboration avec le Conseil régional de…

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March Break Art Camp // Camp d’art du congé de mars

  • avril 28, 2020

March Break Art Camp 2014 Winged Ones - Fairies & Superheroes - Roll up your sleeves, unleash your imagination & let yourself be inspired by the wonderful world of flying creatures, from fairies to superheroes. We’ll design, create &…

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Studio Saturdays 2014 | Les samedis en atelier 2014

  • avril 28, 2020

My upcoming winter art classes begin January 25: Studio Saturdays, focused on drawing. Mes cours d'art d'hiver débutent le 25 janvier : une série de samedis en atelier, axés sur le dessin... Winter Drawing Courses - STUDIO SATURDAYS With artist/educator Emily…

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Vernissage – local youth

  • avril 28, 2020

Dear Wakefield (La Pêche) and beyond: You are warmly invited to join us for a first ever viewing of some spectacular new works by our beloved local youth. The event will take place in the hallway of Le Coeur du…

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L’art prend la clé des champs

  • avril 28, 2020

L'art prend la clé des champs - une exposition artistique itinérante sur le thème de l'agriculture.  Pour voir les détails de mon oeuvre, Pré-carré, veuillez consulter le texte et les photos ici... Lancée au printemps 2009, la campagne régionale «…

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  • avril 28, 2020

I followed through on pushing past one of my resistances. Some projects are now visible to the public on my flickr photo stream. The collection needs updating, but it's a step towards getting the archives organized. You can view them…

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New year. New experiments: Super 8 screening

  • avril 28, 2020

My first super 8 screening next week. gulp. The 3 minute film I will be screening on November 7th is the beginning of my research for an unfolding project. When: Thursday, November 7th, 2013 Where: Mercury Lounge (56 ByWard Market…

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Artistic process // Processus artistique

  • avril 28, 2020

Emily is an artist, performer, teacher and community organizer working at the intersections of art and ecology. In recent years, her environmentally and socially driven approach has resulted in a series of in-situ art projects, speaking engagements, community activist art…

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C’est officiel, le champ devient parc naturel! Le Champ des Possibles is officially protected!

  • avril 28, 2020

Couverture complète ici - Full coverage here: - Petite révolution urbaine à Montréal : le Champ des possibles — un non-parc ? Art et écologie convergent pour créer un premier parc sauvage. Le Devoir, Isabelle Paré, 23 mai, 2013. - Champ des Possibles avec Hugo…

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Lancement & présentation à la librairie DRAWN & QUARTERLY, Montréal: 22.05.2013.

  • avril 29, 2020

'zine launch + presentation + planting DRAWN & QUARTERLY in Montreal. Wednesday, May 22, May, Sprout Out Loud! would like to introduce and celebrate their newest issue #2 with the Montreal public: Occupy the Streets with Land Art &…

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Lancement & présentation à la librairie DRAWN & QUARTERLY, Montréal: 22.05.2013.

  • avril 29, 2020

'zine launch + presentation + planting DRAWN & QUARTERLY in Montreal. Wednesday, May 22, May, Sprout Out Loud! would like to introduce and celebrate their newest issue #2 with the Montreal public: Occupy the Streets with Land Art &…

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Vernissage at THE TABLE, Ottawa – 21.04.2013.

  • avril 18, 2013

VERNISSAGE at The Table this Sunday April 21, 2-4 p.m!Come meet the artists if you're in town! The exhibit runs until April 28. Facebook event info here... The Table Restaurant presents an art exhibition  by Carol Anne Goodman & Emily Rose…

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