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1/2 Acre Project

Garden design proposal, International Garden Festival, Métis, Qc. 2012.

Half Acre Project: Garden-dwelling contributed to the renewal of the garden by offering a physical opportunity for the public to re-engage with the concept of home and garden as the main provider of essential needs. Shifting away from aesthetic formality, utopian gardeners pledge allegiance to their plants and buildings, depending on them for water, food, shelter, waste recycling and energy: Citizens re-learn how to localize their resources through land stewardship and using what is available to them.

This was a design proposal I submitted in collaboration with Andrew McKay (Ecological Research, Construction & Design) and all around creative genius. We had many ideas to share as artist/builder team working at the intersections of community development, civic participation, and Permaculture. From a background of conceptual installation, Land Art, ecological construction and education, our design for the Festival proposed a re-enchantment with nature, fostering DIY action through self-reliant building and gardening techniques. The garden plan explored solutions to secure clean air, water, soil and energy for generations to come.

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